The projector UV 365 Fluogram :
It is a 365nm UV led projector in 2 versions: 50W & 100W with a real glass wood filter, which enables the light to project only 365nm, with no other peturbating light .
There is no better blacklight for fluorescence in the market.
They are custom made just for our invisible inks.
Projector led UV 365 50W dimensions: 20x24x9cm Weight: 1,6kg
Projector led UV 365 100W dimensions: 26x36x11cm weight: 3,2kg
The effect on fluorescent ink of the 50W is way stronger than any 400W Blackgun of10kg and 37x37x30cm.
Lower energy consumption (8x less), smaller size (8x less), lighter (6x), stronger (no bulb) and better effect!!
Es importante no utilizar jamas luz negra de led que no sea Fluogram, porque ninguno proyector de leds UV del mercado no tienen la buena longitud de onda para las tintas.
We make it available for our licensee.
Fluogram invisible ink:
Our ink is absolutely invisible in normal light. It is hydroalcoholic and suited for skin application.
The hydroalcoholic formula makes every event absolutely safe as every stamp is automatically desinfected between each application.
When in a blacklight environment, it emits a beautiful intense light . o que permite que se desinfecten los sellos automáticamente entre cada uso.
We have 2 colors: red and blue
The stamps:
Our stamps are made of wood, with a special laser engraved rubber. You can pick any of those from our catalog.
You can also design some custom stamps , we will make them for you.
The stamp holders:
They are important in order to attract the customers as they react in a beautiful way to the
blacklight but they have also a specific function:
They allow you to present the stamps designs so the client can choose it's favorite one.
Each stamp holder is designed for 20 stamps.
The ink pads :
These are the only ink pads you can use with invisible ink so that it doesn't dry right away. They are made in France.